Wednesday, October 8, 2014

AESOP ---Oracle to the discerning! "The Falcon & The Goose"


The Falcon and the Goose

A goose who had strong reasons for thinking that the time of his sacrifice was near at hand carefully avoided coming into close quarters with any of the farm servants or domestics of the estate on which he lived.  A glimpse that he had once caught of the kitchen, with its blazing fire, and the cook, chopping off the heads of some of his companions, had been sufficient to keep him ever after in dread.  Hence, one day when he was wanted for roasting, all the calling, clucking, and coaxing of the cook's  assistans were in vain.  "How deaf and dull you must be," said a Falcon who noticed this, "not to hear when you are called , or to see when you are wanted!  You should take pattern by me.  I never let my master call me twice.'  "Ah," answered the Goose, "if Falcons were called, like Geese, to be run upon a spit and set before the kitchen fire, they would be just as slow to come, and just as hard of hearing as I am now."

THE MORAL:  The errand makes the difference

From:  AESOP'S FABLES - Signiture Editions


Rita's Thoughts:  If we knew what the future held for us, would we continue to walk into it?  Think of the first Apostles.  Each of them suffered martyrdom, except John the beloved.  They were not able to kill John,  God kept him alive.   The Apostles knew what their end could be and still they went forward.  BOLDLY!  The difference for them wasn't the "errand."  It was Jesus.

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