Monday, December 30, 2013

"LITTLE DEVILS" - It is time to get serious about time!

Slumber is a spirit where one wants to sleep, eat, and be lazy. There are other such "little devils" in our lives that want to distract us from the purposes of God. One of these "sweet nothings" is the social media: Facebook. It seems insignificant when we check in to see what others are saying. "We won't stay on long." we tell our curious self. Why do I care? I chastise myself. So, I pull away, only to be pulled back on-line hours later. Conviction overrides my indifference, concerning the time I spend on-line? Could it be that my focus on what others say does little to further the work set before me? God has a plan. I won't find it in others. In my early reading the other day, my eyes fell onto the words: "Seek the Lord and his strength, seek his Presence continually." Psalm 105: 4 ESV. A note is written next to this verse: "Stop looking for man's approval." Ouch! I have never found the Presence of the Lord on Facebook. I wonder if it is true for others: Is the time I spend on Facebook more than the time I spend in God's Presence? Hmmm. Conviction is tightening. The Bible says, "This kind goeth not out but by prayer and fasting." Matthew 17: 21 KJV. The scripture seems more fitting for one who has demonic possession. But, then, again, if we are not walking in the Presence of God, who possesses us? I believe it is time to circle the wagon, per se. It is time to get serious about "time." I am challenged to go on a 21 Day Fast from the Social Media of Facebook. Yes, in God's eyes, this is a genuine fast. In the void I will spend more time in the Word, God's Presence and do his work. I wrote in my Journal: Focus on Lord Read! See/Hear! Pray! Write! and Post! Therefore, I will write my blog. I will post it to fb. However, I will not go on to fb to check to see if there are any responses. I will stop seeking the approval of men and rather seek the approval of God.

Friday, November 1, 2013

My new picture book:  Funky Me!  ...And 3
Paintings Illustrated and poem by Rita Burton

For young children and for the young at heart!

Thursday, August 8, 2013



The music played softly. Immediately I recognized the song. "Friendly Persuasion" brought back a flood of memories from the 1950's. And it brought back the young feelings of a 17 year old girl who had a crush on the neighborhood football hero. Let's just recognize him as Johnny Mc. I think they called him "Mick"

I knew Johnny from the local dance held on Friday nights at St Francis Xavier Church Hall. He would make my heart beat fast. And maybe I even swooned a little when he walked by. He had just broken up with an old girlfriend. I don't remember the details of how it happened, but Johnny asked me out, and his friend, Sonny asked my best friend, Rainy out too. We would double date. They took us to see the movie, "Friendly Persuasion."

I can't quite remember my feet touching the ground that date. I floated in mental and heart bliss. I was seventeen and I was with the boy of my dreams. The romance didn't last long. Actually, Rainey's romance lasted longer. Johnny went back to his old girlfriend. For awhile I was brokenhearted. Such is life.

I know that when many of the youth look at their "OLD" grandparents and the OLD people around them, they can't imagine that romance stirred the heart and soul of their youth. They can't imagine that we might understand the power of first love, passion, and surrender. We can!

I did not have sex with Johnny! I did not sell my soul or give it away for a price because of a passion that drives our emotions. I have no regrets for the way I was raised back in the 1950's. I had a strong conscience then. And, by the grace of God, I still do. Yes, later on I rebelled and went into territories that almost destroyed me. However, because my parents had integrity and taught me the way I should walk and live, I found my way back to the "Ancient Ways."

I grieve for the youth of today. Many have not been taught the significance of a good reputation. Many have sold their souls and body again and again. Whether they realize it or not, they have shattered their identity into many fragments. A piece of their soul remains bonded and connected to those who possessed them. It can be corrected. It can be healed. You can be delivered. However, it takes the courage to admit where you have been wrong and it takes the courage to turn to a God who loves you very much. He waits for your return.

It is a wonderful feeling when I hear a song like Friendly Persuasion and suddenly inside I feel young again. It is a good thing when I also feel intact and whole. My Father God has healed my broken heart of my foolish ways. He can do the same for you.

Let me persuade you, in a friendly way, think about it.

by Rita Burton

 ...remembering the ancient ways.

Thursday, June 6, 2013


Photograph of James and Amy

Embracing Love

I am launching out into a new venture as I read and process the book:

Eyes of the Heart by Christine Valters Paintner

The book tells of an interesting concept of using the camera as part of one's contemplative walk in life where it becomes a "portal" that helps us to encounter the sacred in our every day surroundings. The author states,

"...Contemplative seeing and beholding are conscious acts of becoming receptive and dropping as much as possible, our own ego desires and projections..."

She explains that as we walk through this process contemplatively, we can begin to see the movement of God in the world around us. The words brought me to a photograph that sits prominently on my little desk in the bedroom. Suddenly, I understood the words in the book. I smiled.

I had recently traveled home from Missouri. My children and grandchildren had returned to their homes throughout the Ozark Mountains. For awhile we had been together. This occasion was sad in that one of our own had passed away. Rita's husband, Ray, had died after a long battle with cancer. We gathered together for the memorial. It was stark and profound as the Veteran's performed the Flag Ceremony. We grieved our loss. And now I was back in Florida. I missed my family.

Just before we left Missouri, Amy, one of Ray's children by a previous marriage, came to me. She held a framed picture in her hand of she and her husband, James.

" Life is too short. I don't want you to forget me! I never had a Grams before. Let's keep in touch. And, be sure to put this where you will see me everyday"

Since that day I get random emails from my granddaughter, Amy. She pursues me. She greets me and I smile. Amy is one of mine! ---Forever marked by a special love.

Today, I began to think of the fact that Amy chose me. Do not doubt.  It was reciprocal. Love at first sight after not being together for so many years. Then, there was Amy back in my life. My heart grew light with laughter. I felt wanted.

Suddenly I had an insight into what it might feel like to be adopted. Someone chose me. Needed me. Wanted me. Words cannot fully tell what I feel. Her gesture touched me deeply Her kind of love is rare.

Amy's email came today, telling me about a garage sale she is preparing for. A little thing. However, today, very needful. I went and looked at the picture. The message in the book challenges: "Behold."

I felt wanted. Hugged. Missed and needed. I embraced the love. I smiled!

by Rita Burton

Sunday, April 21, 2013



Please check out the new SERIES I have posted here on my BLOG.  You will find them on the right side of my page.  Please be sure you browse all the way down the page.  I will be makeing some changes in the days ahead, so please keep watching.  Thank you for your encouraging words and your interest in my work.


Rita Burton

Friday, March 29, 2013


Hushed.  Still.
Waiting. Pulsating.  Abating.
Behold!  The Beloved comes.

Inspired by Song of Solomon 2: 8

Tuesday, March 5, 2013



Excerpt from the book:  The Return of the Prodigal Girl by Rita Burton

Fear and Honesty

There is a healthy fear that preserves life and there is an unhealthy fear that destroys life. We need to separate them in our thinking. One is good, the other is bad.

... In many cases, fear of man and man’s approval or acknowledgement became more important (to me) than my standing alone in what God said.

(I came to understand that) ... In Christianity, God is the great Jumpmaster. He is our Lifeline. He holds the reins until we are ready. But by refusing to let go we can hold back progress. The outcome can bring remorse if we do not follow through with what He shows us. God watches us from Heaven’s gate and tells us to trust Him. God’s mouth is still moving, even if we cannot hear His words. He presses us to do the only safe thing. God is shouting, “Let go!”


Heart of the Moment

Rain drops pound the roof

Of the old and broken house.

Dreams flow in and out!

LADY WISDOM:  Standing at the Gate
Soft Pastel Painting

"You're blessed when you meet Lady Wisdom,
when you make friends with Madame Insight......

With one hand she gives long life,
with the other she confers recognition.
Her manner is beautiful,
her life wonderfully complete.
She's the very Tree of Life to those who embrace her.
Hold her tight. ---and be blessed.

Proverbs 3: 1 and 13-18
Message Bible

Wednesday, February 20, 2013


I found a nugget of truth this morning during my reading.  It is not that this truth was unknown to me.  Just that I needed the reminder.  Here it is:

Knowing what is right is like deep water in the heart, a wise person draws from the well within.  Proverbs 20: 5

As a follower of Christ, I think I walk on sturdy ground until the day of testing arrives.  It is when we are squeezed that our true nature rises to the surface.  The ugly face of fear often appears in my mirror.  Thoughts like, "Am I making the right decision?  Will I lose friendship?  I am shutting doors!" create turmoil in one's soul.  At these times we make rash and greedy determinations.  I know I have.  Only by the grace of God do I find a way to correct the jagged and make my path straight again.

God's Word is truely 'Living Water.'  It cleanses.  It illuminates.  It fills the cistern of our spirit and soul.  It shines a light on our path.  It is the bread that sustains us to move on and live another day.

I shall drink from the well within.  Now you can see why my favorite scripture verse is "His mercies are new every morning."  Lamatations 3:23.

Deep Calls to Deep
Acrylic Painting - 24" x 30"

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

THE ALMOND BLOSSOM - Symbol of "The Watcher."

The almond branch is a symbol that tells us God watches for the times and seasons to bring forth the promises of His Word.

I use this symbol for my new Website:  Rita Burton ART Studio.  So many of my paintings seem to be a discourse with God about mankind and the seasons of our life.  He is watching.  His Word will not return to Him void.

Please check out my new Website at:  http//