Saturday, September 24, 2016


The brushwork tells the story!

I chose the title for both paintings.


Years ago I saw the movie "Rain Tree County" with Elizabeth Taylor and Montgomery Cliff.  At the time I thought the idea of a rain tree was fictional.  I realize now there is such a tree and it is beautiful.

I felt a real breakthrough the other day when I painted these two paintings.  Not sure why, I kept thinking of the beautiful trees from the movie.  But, these don't look like those trees.  These trees might not even look like trees, some might say.  The story is in the brush work.  I love the lose. flowing strokes that one can get with the right mixture of medium and paint.  It was working the other day.  And, by the grace of the Lord, I felt like I was in control.  I reigned in His favor.  

I named the very impressionistic creations "Reign Tree."

Some months ago, in a prophetic moment, the brushwork of another painting gave me the thrust to continue in my work of texturized brushwork.  "Day Lilly" is from the collection I did featuring the Pritchard House Garden.  You might remember the painting:

I love to paint.  When everything works together, it is almost devine!
Rita Burton

Please join me as I begin a new blog, now living in a new location.  I will be writing weekly, at least, just ......

Telling the Story!