Thursday, June 6, 2013


Photograph of James and Amy

Embracing Love

I am launching out into a new venture as I read and process the book:

Eyes of the Heart by Christine Valters Paintner

The book tells of an interesting concept of using the camera as part of one's contemplative walk in life where it becomes a "portal" that helps us to encounter the sacred in our every day surroundings. The author states,

"...Contemplative seeing and beholding are conscious acts of becoming receptive and dropping as much as possible, our own ego desires and projections..."

She explains that as we walk through this process contemplatively, we can begin to see the movement of God in the world around us. The words brought me to a photograph that sits prominently on my little desk in the bedroom. Suddenly, I understood the words in the book. I smiled.

I had recently traveled home from Missouri. My children and grandchildren had returned to their homes throughout the Ozark Mountains. For awhile we had been together. This occasion was sad in that one of our own had passed away. Rita's husband, Ray, had died after a long battle with cancer. We gathered together for the memorial. It was stark and profound as the Veteran's performed the Flag Ceremony. We grieved our loss. And now I was back in Florida. I missed my family.

Just before we left Missouri, Amy, one of Ray's children by a previous marriage, came to me. She held a framed picture in her hand of she and her husband, James.

" Life is too short. I don't want you to forget me! I never had a Grams before. Let's keep in touch. And, be sure to put this where you will see me everyday"

Since that day I get random emails from my granddaughter, Amy. She pursues me. She greets me and I smile. Amy is one of mine! ---Forever marked by a special love.

Today, I began to think of the fact that Amy chose me. Do not doubt.  It was reciprocal. Love at first sight after not being together for so many years. Then, there was Amy back in my life. My heart grew light with laughter. I felt wanted.

Suddenly I had an insight into what it might feel like to be adopted. Someone chose me. Needed me. Wanted me. Words cannot fully tell what I feel. Her gesture touched me deeply Her kind of love is rare.

Amy's email came today, telling me about a garage sale she is preparing for. A little thing. However, today, very needful. I went and looked at the picture. The message in the book challenges: "Behold."

I felt wanted. Hugged. Missed and needed. I embraced the love. I smiled!

by Rita Burton